Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program (MnCAP) Admissions Guarantee Form

    Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program (MnCAP) Admissions Guarantee Form
    The Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program (MnCAP) is a cooperative arrangement between the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and seven public two-year campuses around Minnesota. Under this agreement, students who enroll in this program are guaranteed transfer admission to one of the participating U of M majors when they meet the conditions listed below. Students will work with staff from both the community college and the University of Minnesota's Office of Admissions during the course of their studies. Get more information about MnCAP.

    Required fields are noted in maroon italicized text.
    Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
    Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

    By participating in the Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program, you agree to the following terms for guaranteed admission:

    • Complete the Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree or the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum at a participating community college.
    • Complete the appropriate prerequisite and introductory courses for your intended major, with grades of C or higher.
    • Meet the priority admission application deadline for the college and term in which you wish to begin at the U of M.
    • Meet any conditions for admission as outlined here.

    I understand that I am guaranteed admission to the U of M upon meeting the terms of the MnCAP agreement, and that I am not obligated to either apply to or enroll at the University of Minnesota by completing and signing this form. I authorize the sharing of my academic record with the University of Minnesota's Office of Admissions.

    Please check this box to indicate agreement with the statement above: 

    Please check this box to indicate agreement with the statement above: 

    Today's date: 
    Today's date: